Take the Leap
A crazy effective story to handle stress and anxiety.
Follows the story of an Astronaut lost in space on a journey to find planet S3LF. The tale unravels the thoughts of the voyager through abject darkness and loneliness, as the space traveler finds and regains bearing, and ultimately finds a way home. Offering poems of encouragement and guidance at a time and place where the space traveler has no one to ask for help.
Awaken the GIANT within! 
About the Author
William Spiff creates modern art that ranges across digital and traditional media. As a self taught artist his work centers on his experiences, represented through the eyes of an astronaut [Astro/Cosmo(naut)], who is a living manifestation of the universe observing itself through the eyes of a human, living in our present day and time. He reflects an alternate future through his work and relays how the making of person, is derived from within and through interactions in everyday experiences.